Wednesday 16 February 2011

The Bridge to Agility...

Transitioning from a Waterfall IT Manager mindset into a disciplined Agile PM role.

Personally, brought up  in a different country,  I started moving places across the world as a young adult while going through my Economics degree at university. The exposure to new cultures, ways of living and beliefs made me who I am today, and makes me think of myself as a person with an agile mind & heart.

Professionally, as an IT consultant, I was trained in the Waterfall world where project scope was RIGID and the triangle of scope, resources and timeline has a wide and solid  base that does not change over time. Delivery was done on a big bang approach where you tried to bundle as much functionality as promises to the product owner and iterative development was not even part of the consulting jargon of then. The PM role was then synonym of a command-and-control PM. Yes, this was well before the Agile manifesto was created...

The bridge to Agility:  four years ago, I initiated my Business Intelligence career in one of my consulting assignments. It was then quite apparent that BI with its unique nature, challenges and required best practices, was quite peculiar and that product owners had to be involved earlier and often.

I then started researching ad reading on the methodology of iterative waterfall and disciplined agile.
The Agile world was then ( 2008)  becoming the Esperanto of the Project delivery methodology, gaining territory over waterfall  sucess delivery rate.

Agile  project management does not need a command-and-control project manager. Agile teams need a facilitator that enables by removing any impediments,  risk-assessing, team-advocate project manager.
Agile project management is a key role bridging the transition from waterfall to an agile place. Agile teams needs someone who enables the team. I have embraced that agile project manager!

At a minimum the least of the Agile projects should practice the items below:

Developed by Isabel Pereira
with MindManager

 I will expand on each of these items in subsequent posts.

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